Pamoja Dhidi Ya Korona

Telling Data Stories – Revealing Citizens Reality
The Kenya Community Media Network (KCOMNET) with the support of the Civil Peace Service of GIZ has set up a fact checking and awareness raising desk during this time of COVID-19 pandemic with the sole purpose of combating incidences of misinformation and fake news circulating on social media, verifying and relaying factual truthful information to over 10 million people through 23 community radio stations who are members of our network. In addition to fact checking and awareness raising, we intend to produce child friendly content which will inform and educate children and teenagers during this uncertain period of the pandemic.
The novel coronavirus (COVID‐19) was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan City, China and coronavirus disease declared a pandemic by WHO on 11 March 2020. Kenya reported her first positive case on 12th March 20201. Since confirmation of the first case in China, cases of COVID‐19 have risen exponentially throughout the world2. This situation got the world unprepared and it has brought us to an indefinite period of disruption ofactivities in all the sectors.
The global increase in the number of confirmed cases and reported deaths from COVID‐19 has necessitated many countries to take stern measures to curb further spread of the disease. In addition to WHO’s guidance for containment – to test suspected cases, isolate those who test positive, physical and social distancing, regular hand washing with soap and running water, contact tracing and treatment of severe cases requiring hospitalization – countries have taken additional measures, including strict movement restrictions among other containment efforts.
Some of these measures have brought about new socio-economic realities that have not only disrupted individuals’ economic situation and status but also social norms which have contributed to increased stress levels and cases of gender-based violence (GBV), and other social ills related to stress 3 . The situation can be worsened by misinformation and or distortion of information which if not controlled can lead to trauma and “fear-pandemic”. This can also lead to disobedience of the restrictions which may contribute to an upsurge incontraction of the coronavirus.
Kenya Community Media Network (KCOMNET) is partnering with all community radio station decided to create an awareness project to the society and grass-root communities to reduce the spread of coronavirus and minimizing trauma related to the epidemic through awareness on radio and online platforms.