Development of local content – IPDC

Kenya Community Media Network (KCOMNET) was engaged for nine months; September 2012 to May 2013, in a project to build the capacity of community media in Kenya to be able to develop, produce and share local content. The focus of the project was to support the collaboration between community theatre groups/artists and community radio stations to generate content on the priority issues in their communities, develop the issues into radio drama shows which can be presented on air at the community radio stations, at community social centres and online platforms.
The project which was facilitated by the financial support from UNESCO’s International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC) engaged five community radio stations and community media groups from five counties in Kenya. The community radio stations engaged in the project are: Radio Mang’elete in Makueni County, Mug’ambo FM in Meru County, Sauti – Hundhwe FM in Siaya County, Mwanedu FM in Taita Taveta County and Koch FM in Nairobi County.
The community radio stations worked in collaboration with community theatre groups and artists to identify the issues of priority interest in their communities from which they developed and produced a series of drama shows which are being presented on air at the community radio stations, at community social centres and shared through KCOMNET and EACOMNET website and social media platforms.
- Five days training and content development workshop held in Nairobi on October 22 – 26, 2012. The aim of the workshop was to equip the community media groups with professional skills in the production and sharing of locally relevant content which will inform and engage community members in debates concerning issues of importance to the community and nationally to develop and share local content.
- On-site visits to the five locations served by the community radio stations to monitor, evaluate and mentor local processes on content sharing through community radio stations, community social centres and online platforms.
The collaboration between community radio and community theatre groups and artists produced radio drama shows based on diverse content.
This project has showcased an example of a fruitful working relationship between the community radio stations and community theatre artists in a manner that is beneficial to the two integral players of community media in their efforts of providing communities with communication outlets in the pursuit of sustainable development.
The project has thus ingrained the focus on local content and community participation that are necessary for the sustenance and furtherance of ideals, values and pillars of community media. This has in effect furthered the endeavor to enhance the engagements of community radio stations in the generation and sharing of content that is unique to their identity which is distinct from their private and public counterparts.